Have a look at my garden.


Rzepnik is a tiny village in the Carpathians, north from Krosno.

dom w kwietniu

My garden in April. You can see a hazel fence. As it will decay in a few years, I planted a hornbeam and rose hedge.


rabata z astrami

The most decorating part of the garden in October is the Aster bed. It contains over a dozen of pink, violet, blue and white forms of Aster. The main species - Aster novae-angliae and A. novae-belgiae come from American prairies and are very happy here, they need hardly any weeding.

I tend to plant only species suitable for the given soil and climate. I hate weeding. I remove major weeds twice a year (such as nettle, thistles, couch grass), and leave anything I fancy.

dom w czerwcu

June is a lupin time...


I created a 4 x 4 m American prairie patch> Here you can seeRudbeckia hirta (yellow), Echinacea purpurea (pink), Monarda fistulosa (violet) and the grass Elymus canadensis and Ratibida pinnata (in buds, top right corner). The species you cannot see but which grow here are Asclepias tuberosa, Solidago rigida, Aster novae-angliae, Rudbeckia triloba, Lupinus polyphyllus and Andropogon gerardii./p>

pasozyty w prerii

In order to make the place livelier in June, when prairie plants do not flower, I sowed semi-parasitic plants Rhinanthus alectorolophus and Melampyrum arvense.

rabata majowa2

This is a May mainly native flower bed. Mysotis sylvatica, Silene dioica, Lunaria rediviva, Anthriscus nitida, Ajuga reptans. Only white, blue and pink flower are used. Earlier you can seePetasites albus, P. officinalis, Scilla bifolia, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Allium ursinum, Viola odorata , and in summer: Geranium macrorhizum, Carduus personata, Monarda didymos and Veronica longifolia.

rabata z makami

Field poppy (Papaver rhoeas) and mayweed (Anthemis austriaca).


A water feature with Iris pseudoacorus.

kwietna murawa

Kwietna Murawa seed mix in a form of a flower bed, you can see ox-eye daisy Leucanthemum vulgare and field scabious Knautia arvensis.

dywan mchow

Moss carpet. I used the same species Polytrichum attenuatum, which is used in Japan by Buddhist monks. My wife Sarah treats weeding it every three weeks as meditation.


One of the main points of my activity is introducing herbs typical of ancient hornbeam and beech woodland (e.g. Anemone nemorosa, Scilla, Pulmonaria etc.) into the young secondary woods of birch, alder, aspen and pine which in the process of natural succession on abandoned fields covered some of my land. One of them is Dentaria glandulosa a plant endemic to the Carpathians. This clump arouse from a tiny piece of rhizome five years ago...


Psiząb Eryhtronium 'Pagoda' in an alderwood. This is an introduced American species which does well here. It has edible rhizomes which were eaten by Native Americans.

narcyzy i szalas

A meadow where I introduced Narcissus poeticus. It grows wild 200 km east from here, in SW Ukraine.


Our cherry tree.


The giant horsetail Equisetum telmateia came to the garden by itself. In spring it produces these mysterious strobils which were eaten by the Natives of Alaska.